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Post by Bigdog »


I totally control every aspect of my show. Nobody in the crowd will hi-jack it into a smut fest.

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Post by Sabrina59 »

wiseguy wrote:Censoring your books means only that you are one dimensional and can accommodate only one type of audience. It's the KJ that controls the show, not the songs in the book. If a song is not appropriate for a particular situation then it will not be allowed. The same song might be fine in another circumstance. That's versatility.
That may be true for those of you who have done this for a while. I had an employee put up "Sittin' At A Bar" (or something like that) ... a nice country song. Right? Nope. Had the F-bomb in it. Since I have kids at my show I felt really bad.

I think what I am going to do is put a (#) in the title of the songs that contain "adult" lyrics so I will know which ones to allow at the family show.

I have very few of the songs BD is talking about. The only reason I have them is because they came on a disc that also contained a song I had a request for. I have a very good selection of songs that appeals to chldren of all ages. I just don't think I need to include some of the songs I don't care for.

I doubt if I would exclude them if they come on a disc that I purchase, but I am not going to go out of my way to purchase them. But you all have to remember where I am coming from. I was a karaoke enthusiast who had a show fall in my lap. Most of the songs in my collection are in the genres of music that I like.
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by Bigdog »

Not to rub salt in your wounds..sabrina. :angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

How do you think the parents felt and thought about you for allowing that song to be sung??? Are they thinking a little different about you...maybe???

I don't think my reputation is worth that kind of press. The bars I play in consider themselves FAMILY type bars. One is a franchise that answers to corporate HQ. One is owned by two guys that care about the quality of their cliental. And one is a hotel chain that answers to corporate HQ. It doesn't matter to me if it's a dive book is still edited.

The 2 discs I am talking about that I just bought $17.95 each are getting edited. :shock: So some money will be wasted on deleted crap songs. It happens on almost every Pop Hits Monthly Pop disc. Sound Choice is right behind them. The price I pay to operate my kind of business.

No way the "MF"in' new "Boat" song is "F"in' going to be sung at my "MF"in' show. :lol: I just thought I'd throw that in there to "entertain" the crowd. Pretty "F"in' cool of me huh?....??? :cigar: :iagree:

Does everyone feel highly "F"in' "entertained" or do you feel like you need a "MF"in' shower?? :raining:

Look up the lyrics.

Just trying to prove my point...don't write me any letters.. :lol:

How many KJs do you think edit there books? My guess is 99% don't.

Bar owners don't have a clue about my type of show. Because the majority of the KJs run smut shows, so the bar owners think that is their only option. If that's all they have ever seen then that's what they think is normal.

Let's conduct an experiment...if you're brave enough. I highly doubt it... :shock:

Start asking the neighborhood bar owners if they would rather have a smut show karaoke or an edited show. See what they tell you. Doesn't matter if it's your job or one that another KJ does.

This just might be a way to get more jobs. :shock: Given the bar owners will opt for the edited show...but that's just my opinion.

Prove me wrong..... :cigar:
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Post by Sabrina59 »

Luckily the only child in the bar was the owner's, and it was her employee, Everyone jumped his butt because he didn't have to say it, he knows better. :nonod:

I was lucky this time ... I guess I'm going to have to go through all my songs. I presumed country was safe. :oops:
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by Bigdog »

:sorry: I hope I didn't SHOCK anyone... :oops: :roll: :littleangel: :mrgreen:

That's some people's idea of ENTERTAINMENT... :shock: :wink:

And besides..I only did it after midnight.. :lol:
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Post by wiseguy »

Sabrina59 wrote:
That may be true for those of you who have done this for a while. I had an employee put up "Sittin' At A Bar" (or something like that) ... a nice country song. Right? Nope. Had the F-bomb in it. Since I have kids at my show I felt really bad.

I think what I am going to do is put a (#) in the title of the songs that contain "adult" lyrics so I will know which ones to allow at the family show.

I have very few of the songs BD is talking about. The only reason I have them is because they came on a disc that also contained a song I had a request for. I have a very good selection of songs that appeals to chldren of all ages. I just don't think I need to include some of the songs I don't care for.

I doubt if I would exclude them if they come on a disc that I purchase, but I am not going to go out of my way to purchase them. But you all have to remember where I am coming from. I was a karaoke enthusiast who had a show fall in my lap. Most of the songs in my collection are in the genres of music that I like.
OMG! that child will be scarred forever! How will he ever get over hearing that horrible horrible F word being sung? :lol: Forget about it... he hears worse than that every day in the playground and probably from his parents.

I do understand your situation. You have the one show and it's in a family deli during hours that children can be present. You have good reason to closely monitor the requested songs.

This is not the case with myself and the majority of other KJs. Except for Bigdog, we work in a variety of venues, in front of a variety of age groups, and in various types of establishments. We do not actively seek out one certain type of bar owner, one certain type of bar, and one certain type of crowd. We are versatile entertainers who do not force our crowds to conform to our version of morality.

As for reputation, I'm coming up on seventeen successful years in this business and you can't do that with a bad reputation. My good reputation is not built on censorship and forced morality. I allow people to be who they are and to let loose and have fun for a few hours. They have enough crap to conform to in their daily lives.
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Post by Sabrina59 »

Bigdog wrote:No way the "MF"in' new "Boat" song is "F"in' going to be sung at my "MF"in' show. :lol: I just thought I'd throw that in there to "entertain" the crowd. Pretty "F"in' cool of me huh?....??? :cigar: :iagree:
BD joinded the dark side!! :rocker: :cheers: :drunk:
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Post by Sabrina59 »

We just went last night to check out the bowling alley where we might pick up another gig. It's another place that would have to be a family show since kids are all over the place. They check your ID at the door, if you plan on drinking any alcohol, and give you a wrist band. There is no place that is off-limits for the kiddies. I think I'm going to go ahead and edit my book then I just don't have to worry about it.

I agree, wiseguy, that most kids hear this type of language at home or at school, but that doesn't mean that it's acceptable (in my opinion). Maybe it's my age, maybe it's my rural roots ... I just don't think it's okay,

It's a shame that so many people, especially young adults, don't seem to have the vocabulary necessary to get their point across without using "vulgarities".

Now I'm going to have to be the typical woman ... sorry guys, but we like to "fix" things. Big Dog edits his song books and is a very popular and successful KJ. Wiseguy does not edit his song book and is a very popular and successful KJ. Both have been in business for over 15 years.

BD tends to get a little preachy and wiseguy tends to get a little sarcastic. Both of these KJ's make points that I happen to agree with. It is a matter of choice. We, as KJ's, each have a choice of what to include in our books. Personally, I don't fault either of these men for how they choose to run their shows. As I stated before, my personal choice is to not include a lot of, what I consider, vulgar songs. I just don't care to hear them.
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Post by Bigdog »

:bowto: :iagree: BUT....

I think the bar owners should be given the RIGHT and option to choose the kind of show they can have at their bar.

KJs should be honest and let the bar owner know that his crowd will be subjected to HEAVY DUTY swearing because you do not edit your book.

BE BRAVE.....Offer the bar owner the option. Let them decide what their crowd will be subjected to.

I tell every bar owner before I'm hired that my book is edited. I have yet to hear one bar owner tell me to put the "F" bomb songs back in because they want to have a SMUT karaoke show.

There is a matter of the bars reputation. The show will help or hurt the way people talk and feel about the bar and the owner by what is allowed to happen there. The smut show is no different than the bar allowing drugs to be used and sold. Or prostitutes to openly solicit. Or gang members to meet there. Or constant fighting or guns. Or public nudity. All of which can deter people from coming in and spending money. All or most of these have contributed to 2 very nice local night clubs to close their doors.

This is happening right now at one of the smoking bars I just quit. They have been having motorcycle bike nights for the past 3 years. Everyone but the bar owner knows it has severly hurt the regular business on every night of the week. People have stopped coming because of their fear of what the potential is for some type of trouble. Real or imagined. Smut karaoke could add to people staying away from shows too.

I have had singers tell me they don't like the swearing that happens at other shows they quit attending. I'm not making this up. I'm not being a prude. I swear more than anyone. :shock: But not at my shows in a public venue with a mixed crowd. I don't want that reputation.

It does become part of your reputation. There actually still are people that do find public swearing offensive. It doesn't make them weird or abnormal or square or prudes. There still are community standards for what is acceptable kinds of public behavior. Last time I looked bars are public places just like the library, bakery, bank, post office, business work places...etc. All of which would not tolerate or allow swearing. Has nothing to do with whether they sell alcohol or not. Public space is public space. To prove can not smoke in public places. Bars are included in this law. So that makes them all the same and equal.

Each KJ will and does make their own decision on how they run their show.

Is it fair to not allow the bar owner the option to decide if they want a KJ that edits out the major swearing songs to protect their crowds and their reputation? I do not want me or my business to be a negative factor in how people perceive the reputation of any bar I play in.

Most bar owners would not know to ask the song editing question. :shock: Karaoke is karaoke, right? :nonod: I make them aware of it and why I do it and everyone of them thanks me and appreciates my jesture. I make them aware of the negative impact it could have on their reputation and mine.

There is no doubt in my mind that you can use this as a great selling tool for your business.

WARNING: It may not help you to get a job in local dive bars. But it will definately work in nicer establishments. You decide where you want to work. :wink: At what professional level are you willing to work your business? Any KJ can get work...but at what level?
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:KJs should be honest and let the bar owner know that his crowd will be subjected to HEAVY DUTY swearing because you do not edit your book.

BE BRAVE.....Offer the bar owner the option. Let them decide what their crowd will be subjected to.
I don't need to give them options. I give them big crowds and lots of money. They love me and every song that is sung. Not once has a bar owner asked me to disallow any song.
Bigdog wrote:The smut show is no different than the bar allowing drugs to be used and sold. Or prostitutes to openly solicit. Or gang members to meet there. Or constant fighting or guns. Or public nudity.
No, these things are illegal and the songs are not.
Bigdog wrote:Last time I looked bars are public places just like the library, bakery, bank, post office, business work places...etc. All of which would not tolerate or allow swearing.
Look again. All those places are open to people of all ages. Your typical bar allows adults only. And where I live by law every bar is a private club.
Bigdog wrote:Is it fair to not allow the bar owner the option to decide if they want a KJ that edits out the major swearing songs to protect their crowds and their reputation?
They are free at any time to let me go... but they don't. Could it be that money speaks louder than some perceived sense of morality?
Bigdog wrote:I swear more than anyone. But not at my shows in a public venue with a mixed crowd. I don't want that reputation.
At least you admit you're a hypocrite. The goodie two shoes crowd that you tend too are mostly hypocrites too but they try to keep it a secret.

Bigdog wrote:At what professional level are you willing to work your business? Any KJ can get work...but at what level?
Well,I work at a professional level that gets me paid more than any of my competitors. That has provided me with a waiting list of clients. That has accumulated a large following of regulars. That's given me the reputation as the fairest KJ in the area.

Has your professional level given you more?
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Post by Bigdog »

Yes, I do get more money than my competition. And I have worked more steady than my competition.

Giving a bar owner a big crowd of degenerates isn't necessarily all one could hope for.

As for swearing not being legal. Yes you can say whatever you want in America. But I only compared the swearing to other things that would have a tendancy to keep decent people away from certain bars. That could impact the bars reputation.

My question is why do you not put a value on the reputation of the bar or yourself? To say you make a lot of money is the only thing. So do drug dealers and ho's and bank robbers. What does it do for their reputation? Are you gonna be the first to hire them or bring them to your karaoke to improve the crowd. I'm sure they can swear good....

These businesses are not just open to adults. These (many) are family atmosphere establishments that do allow children of all ages. There may be time restrictions on them.

Again, making money at any cost that an exceptable way to make a living? What about reputation?

How am I a hypocrite to admit I swear like a sailor in PRIVATE. Most men probably swear. Do they do it for their wives and mothers and kids or other peoples wives and kids. least the respectable men don't. Respectable women don't want to hear it in PUBLIC.

Bar owners think swearing is the karaoke normal. Because they are not educated to the fact that they COULD have a clean alternative. If they never know anything but smut can they make an educated informed smart decision?

If you were a bar wouldn't want to know all your options??? Especially when it pertains to the bars reputation and its cliental quality? A smut fest drives down the quality of the entire crowd. As with the other mentioned illegal activities. Tell me how it improves the quality of the crowd? Look at my business...I have the best swearers in town? :roll:

Again, I use my edited song book as my BIGGEST asset toward getting jobs in high quality places. Bar owners with any brain cells know what the positive implications are from that.

Anyone can get a job in a dive bar. How many want to? How many need to just to have a job? I'm picky about where I work and who I work for. I worry about my reputation as much as the bars.

KICK the HORSE again..he's down.. :lol:
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Post by Sabrina59 »

I don't know why you guys keep this up; neither of you are ever going to give an inch! :lol:
Sabrina the Cat
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Post by wiseguy »

Bigdog wrote:How am I a hypocrite to admit I swear like a sailor in PRIVATE.
The definition of hypocrite "somebody who pretends to have admirable principles, beliefs, or feelings but behaves otherwise."
Bigdog wrote:If you were a bar wouldn't want to know all your options??? Especially when it pertains to the bars reputation and its cliental quality?
Any bar owner who doesn't know that songs can be omitted from a book isn't intelligent enough to run a business so there is nobody I need to explain this to. Do you think that the bars I do are never approached by other companies with every sales pitch imaginable, including censoring song books. Well they are and I have never been replaced by any one of them.
Bigdog wrote:Anyone can get a job in a dive bar. How many want to?
I don't do dive bars. They don't pay enough.
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Post by wiseguy »

Sabrina59 wrote:I don't know why you guys keep this up; neither of you are ever going to give an inch! :lol:
You're right there. If you look back though some other threads you'll see that the other pro KJs on this forum agree with me on this issue. They're not speaking up now and probably prefer leaving the dead horse alone. And at this point, I will also.
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Post by Bigdog »

:boxer: Ones behavior in PRIVATE should not be assumed to be the same as in PUBLIC. Your reputation is formed by how you are seen and perceived in public. Nobody sees my karaoke show at my house. Nobody sees me swearing at my house.

Meaning I CAN control myself when it's called for. My mature personal PUBLIC behavior aids my reputation.

Maybe.... their silence is speaking volumes.... :wink: Maybe they can't boast about their many, high quality/class jobs. Or trouble free shows.

They mostly think and believe free speech means anything goes in public. They as a KJ have no right to censor free speech.

Not to change the subject but I just heard another stupid example of stupid.

The city's fireworks display set to music. Thousands of kids watching and listening and they play Kid Rocks--All Summer Long... :roll:

"Trying different things and smoking funny things, making love....."

What idiot used or agreed to use that song for the KIDS????? NICE... REAL NICE... Perfect subject matter for the kiddies....

Underage drinking, Smoking dope and underage sex...... PERFECT ...I'll bet the guy is a KJ. :lol:

I hope I can find his kids need to learn all these skills for real they can "Entertain" the crowds at karaoke when they are old enough. They have a responsibility to corrupt the next generation. :roll:
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